

December 26, 2018 Jfuglerwriter Comments Off on Christmas Every Day

Christmas Every Day

We make a lot of Christmas each year, but for believers we celebrate the King every day. At least we should.

As you look back at Christmas, are you leaving Jesus in the manger? Think about how you can honor him as King in the year ahead. First of all, giving him your best time is a great way. Start the day with God, spending time with our Savior and allowing the Holy Spirit to work in your heart.

I’m finishing up a year-long study in Luke that I had thought would take three months. I’m racing to complete the final chapter by New Year’s Eve. I think I’m going to make it.

he point is this. Instead of rushing through the book and the study guides, I took as much time as God wanted me to. He had a lot to say to me this year through Luke. Giving Jesus time was a way I honored him as King. And I’ve enjoyed being with him each morning.

I’ve made my choice for 2019 and how I’ll start every day with God. I’m planning to explore prayer. Who knows how long it will take? I have 12 lessons in the study guide I’m using. It could take 12 weeks. Or 12 months! The guide is just a guide. I let God work in my heart free-form.

How will you honor Jesus as King in 2019? Our Savior went from the manger to the cross in 33 years. He did that for us. And when he rose again, he declared is rule of over all. Sin, death, Satan — everything. Let’s give him honor throughout the year ahead.

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