
March 26, 2021 Jfuglerwriter Comments Off on Why Know Jesus?

Why Know Jesus?

Has following and obeying Jesus has gotten too much press?

I’ve read a ton of books and have heard a thousand sermons that tell me how to obey Jesus. All the way from behaving Christ-like to understanding God’s will, I’ve ingested countless Biblical principles to make the Christian life work.

They accomplished their job. I learned, applied and got results. God’s Word laid it all out for me.

But I missed something. Let me explain.

If following Jesus really works, so many Christians wouldn’t be asking, “Why is my relationship with him so dull? Where’s my joy? How come I live with guilt, loneliness, discouragement, frustration, anger, discontentment, lack of faith and feel distant from God?”

In all the busyness of obeying Christ, we’ve blown past the #1 thing that Jesus wants. And that is to know him.

I contend that so many of us have overshot Jesus. And we feel distant from God.

Knowing his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ was the overarching reason for Paul to live. He said, “What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord” (Philippians 3:8 NIV)

As believers, we need to pursue the same passion Paul did. This is a hard-right turn from where most of us have been heading.

If you’re not into knowing Christ, delete this email and unsubscribe.

However, if you’re up for knowing Christ as Paul did, stay with me on this journey.

Why know Jesus? All of life hinges on it. Jesus leads us into a treasured relationship with him.

I look forward to sharing more in the days ahead.

In closing, I want to let you know about a community of believers who are pursing Christ together. Fresh Faith 24/7 is built around knowing him. Find out more at

March 6, 2021 Jfuglerwriter Comments Off on Join me inside!

Join me inside!

I’ve got some exciting news! I’ve been dying to tell you about it. So here we are on Saturday morning, and it’s time for the announcement.

First, as a way of background, I’ve been wrapped up lately in the wonderful truth that Jesus is the Good Shepherd. (John 10) That’s just one of the identities of Jesus that I’ve been exploring. Now, I’m exploring it with other believers inside a brand new community I’ve created.

[DRUM ROLL] After nearly a year of prayer, writing, video recording and website development, FRESH FAITH 24/7 is now open! And I need your help. Will you try out this new membership community for 30 days? At no cost to you. Kick the tires, use it as much as you want, break it and simply let me know what you think. You’ll be one of my BETA members.

Here’s where to sign up: Once you sign up, I’ve got step by step instructions inside on how to get the most out of FRESH FAITH 24/7.

You’ve been following my writing for a while, so I thought you’d be interested in checking it out.

I’d like to see 100 believers jump in and try it out. I’m just getting started. You’ll be helping me make it better as each week goes by. And I do believe it will make a difference in your walk with Christ.

On my desk, I have a piece of paper that reminds me that my goal is “to help 1 million believers know the Christ of the cross.” That’s what my devotionals are all about. That’s what my blog posts are all about. And now, in 3-D, that’s what FRESH FAITH 24/7 is all about.

If you are looking for a place where you can pursue Jesus, know him in a more intimate way than ever, and have your life changed, please join me and other BETA members inside FRESH FAITH 24/7.

Here’s what you can expect inside:

(1) Refresh your walk with Christ with the dozens of video devotionals I’ve created, (2) Engage with a growing community of believers who build each other up, and, (3) Twice a week, enjoy a live 10-minute devotion to start your day. In fact, the next one is Monday morning.

All the details are on the website, where you can sign up for a 30-day trial at no cost. This is where I will be pouring my time and effort in the days ahead.

Check it out here:

Have a great day and let me know what you think. Thank you so much!

How Can We Know Jesus?

(NOTE: I’m feeling much better than when I last posted. Thank you to all who have been praying for me. And to those who contacted me with words of encouragement, I am grateful. My back muscles have healed. My leg is still a little numb, but getting better. Believe it or not, I joined a Herniated Disc Facebook Group! Yes, there is one. With 25,000 members).

Knowing someone on earth is one thing, but how can we know the God in heaven?

Good question.

We can’t reach out and touch Jesus. We can converse with him, but not in the way we would our spouse. I’m not one who audibly hears the voice of Jesus.

We can’t go out to dinner together. Or ride bikes. Or spend a day at the beach with each other. Or take a walk together. Discuss the day when we get home from work.

In a sense, we can, but I think you know what I mean. Knowing Jesus is a whole different concept and needs a different approach than getting to know your kids or friends.

Let’s go back to Philippians 3:8: “What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.” (NIV)

I did a word study on knowing. I wanted to know what it meant, I guess. (Chuckle). It was fascinating. I learned that the word means to “experientially know.”

Aha. I had made a breakthrough. Knowing Jesus like Paul knew Jesus isn’t about facts. It’s about experience. Head vs. heart. Intellect vs. living.

The word study also revealed that it was a knowledge gleaned from first-hand (personal) experience. In other words, I can’t know Jesus vicariously through my pastor. Indeed, I can listen to the most inspiring sermon about Jesus, but that doesn’t replace knowing him first-hand.

Knowing Jesus is experiencing Jesus. And experience comes from time spent with him. A minute ago I said that knowing Jesus is nothing like knowing a friend or spouse. At the core, however, it is. We just have to go through a different process to know our Savior.

Experiencing Jesus happens in some of the darkest and challenging times of our lives. My wife’s battle with cancer turned into a season of knowing Jesus. We came to the throne of grace over and over again, standing in the presence of our Lord. Personally, I spent many stretches of time pouring my heart out to Jesus, in tears at times. Then I soaked in his love, peace, care and strength. Cancer season brought me closer to Jesus. I felt I knew him well.

My recent pain-filled experience on my back was a knowing Jesus opportunity. It drew me closer to my Savior.

Knowing Jesus doesn’t always have to come in trial. God never meant it to be that way. He wants to know us daily. A close friendship experiences highs and lows together, but mostly the normal in-between seasons. You do life together, enjoying each other.

Jesus desires that we come to know him in all seasons, not only when we face the hard times. We need our Savior every day.

Pursue him desperately. Today.

On my back for 48 hours

I know. I’ve gone AWOL. No posts on here for weeks.

But I have a good excuse.

It all started when I pulled the grocery bag out of the car. First, let me back up a little…

Noonie and I were enjoying a short vacation at the beach. After all the Coronavirus isolation, we had decided to get out of Dodge.

Oh, it started well. Warm water, sunny days, relaxation. Then that grocery bag thing happened. As I straightened up after grabbing the bag, I felt my lower back muscle twinge. Quickly, I knew it was more than a subtle inconvenience. It slowed me down. A lot.

But that was just the beginning. The next night in the hotel room, I spotted the state mascot: a cockroach. I leaned over and my nerves exploded, running down my left leg. The pain was a 12 on a 10 scale. I called to Noonie. She thought I was going to faint. So did I. Somehow, in the excruciating pain, I managed to lay myself flat on the bed.

And that was my position for 48 hours, the beach just 100 yards away. I couldn’t do anything without pain. No raising of my head, no turning over, no ability to sit up. The muscle pull, compounded by the pinched nerve, totally incapacitated me.

Could the story get worse?


After two days of continued pain, still flat on my back and a call to my doctor, we had to summon the paramedics to take me to the ER. It was my first ambulance ride, my first emergency room visit, and my first experience with morphine. Two doses of that finally allowed me to sit up, stand up and make it to the car for the overnight trip home.

That was a month ago and I still have lingering leg pain and a strained lower back muscle. I’ve been scanned, pricked, and shocked in the past four weeks. I’m improving, but still taking it easy.

And that’s why I haven’t posted here.

I’m grateful for all who have prayed for me. I have experienced the results of those prayers.

The other day, I finally had the opportunity to spend a half-day with God in my right mind. No meds. Mental agility back to normal. Emotionally stronger. I was ready to listen to God while I read his Word.

Through all this, God has made it clear that July wasn’t a month to forget, but a month to pivot and rejoice. My desire for the past several months has been to know Christ. But I had hoped to avoid the last phrase in this verse: “I want to know Christ–yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings.” (Philippians 3:10 NIV).

A person knows Christ in a totally unique way in suffering. I can attest to that. Jesus has walked with me through the pain of the past month.

Another prayer I’ve had in recent months is to help other believers know the Christ of the cross. My painful ordeal helps me to be more compassionate and understanding with the people the Lord brings into my life. That was a big lesson for me.

Almost everyone is experiencing pain of some kind, whether it be physical, emotional or spiritual. We’re broken people. For so long, I’ve been in great health, running three miles at a time. I’m not running for a while. Or maybe ever again.

Whatever pain you bring to the table in your Christian journey, I see you differently than I did in June. The Lord allowed me to experience pain so I can now better empathize with my brothers and sisters who join me in this journey to know Christ.

I leave you with the verse from Paul that has inspired and guided me this year: “What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ.” (Philippians 3:8 NIV)

What has God taught you through pain? I feel like my pain has been minimal compared to the pain so many friends experience every day. Share your thoughts.

June 22, 2020 Jfuglerwriter Comments Off on Jesus to the Cross

Jesus to the Cross

I was running a 3-mile distance the other day. In my final mile, I felt the weariness, pain and intensity. The heat of the day had raised my body temperature, making it harder to keep pace. But I was 2/3 of the way to the finish line. My mind was focused on the end and I managed to speed up a little. I was motivated, in my pain, to make it and finish well.

In that final mile, Jesus’ journey to the cross came to my mind.

  • It was a painful journey, much more pain than I was feeling. Here’s what I was thinking as I ran that last mile:Jesus journeyed to the cross by choice. He did it for us. It was the path to the abolition of the power of sin, victory over the serpent—his road to the resurrection.
  • Even on the cross, he was the Almighty God. He was on his way to victory. He was winning, not losing. His family and followers at the foot of the cross could only see his physical suffering and death, so they wept and mourned. They had no idea he was conquering Satan as he hung on the cross.
  • The Jesus on the cross is a Jesus of infinite strength. He could have come down, but it took more strength to stay up there and complete the race. He took the sins of all mankind on himself and paid the penalty.

When an Olympic marathoner enters the stadium, taking the last lap, having given his all, often staggering across the finish line, what do we do? We look in awe. The crowd erupts in applause as the first runner enters the stadium, makes his final lap and breaks through the tape. While we’re pained by their pain, we honor them for their grueling accomplishment.

If Jesus were a mere man, he would have been helpless on the cross. But he was the Almighty God. Even on the cross, he was his full essence—King of kings, Lord of Lords, the Alpha and the Omega, Majesty. We should stand in awe.

I don’t think I’ll look at Christ on the cross the same way anymore. That run of mine changed my perspective.

The next time we consider Jesus crucified, let’s see beyond what we see with our eyes and consider the spiritual war that Jesus had won.

For he himself said, “It is finished.”

Light of the World

Most of us have been “sent to our room,” except for the occasional trips to the store or a walk around the neighborhood. We’re pent up, longing to eat at a restaurant instead of claiming a take-out meal in a bag or box.

If we think we have it tough, people in one Asian country have been starving. Their leaders suddenly declared a strict lockdown. All work ceased. Citizens are being beaten when they break the curfew.

In one European nation, you have to text a number for government permission to go grocery shopping or visit the doctor.

And on another continent, the country’s lockdown dictates that people can’t walk outside for exercise and fresh air. Indoors means indoors.

This is wearing on us. It’s oppressive, depressing. Fear and frustration have risen to the surface. There’s no escape.

With churches closed, it raises the discouragement level among believers. We’re realize how much we need each other. Zoom services don’t quite meet that need.

It feels dark these days.

In reality, we’ve lived in a dark world all our lives. Sin has been all around us. The current global situation only makes things feel darker.

This is the time we need to believe Jesus when he says, “I am the light of the world.” (John 8:12 NIV) It was true 2,000 years ago, and it’s true today.

He goes on to say, “Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

When we follow Jesus, we come alive. Our spirit is renewed. This renewal filters into our heart, emotions and entire being. Our outlook changes. We are filled with hope, because Jesus is hope. He is a supernatural God who imparts life into us through his Holy Spirit.

When we follow online news feeds and TV anchors and commentators, we’re letting the darkness of this world fill our minds. When our conversations always center on the latest bad news about the Coronavirus, we’re dragged into the fog.

Soon, we will be free from the strict limitations. We will come through the pandemic.

But, until that happens, will you spend an entire day in the light? Schedule a retreat with Jesus, pouring over the Word of God and praying. Have a getaway with your Savior. Be energized by the light. Be renewed.

That’s what Michael has discovered. He texted me, “I’m finding that God is answering my prayer to get back to spiritual growth. It just took a global pandemic to keep me home for weeks on end. I have a burning desire for knowledge of him.”

Follow Jesus. He is the light of life.

(Here’s a video I watched over and over again the other day. I know you’ll be encouraged).

How are You Doing?

When someone asks how we’re doing during the continued lockdown, we might say “fine” but really mean frustrated. As Christians, we’re supposed to keep a stiff upper lip and quote all the right verses, like “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” (Isaiah 41:10 NIV)

In reality, we might really feel like saying, “Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me?” (Psalm 43:5 NIV)

As the Corona crisis drags on, God continues to get our attention. If we are feeling discouraged, cold, fearful, anxious or uncertain, it’s the right time to run to Jesus. Pain has a way of showing us our helplessness. We can’t fix ourselves. And this is where we’re living right now.

What does God want to change in your life? Are you willing to let him?

God’s Word is filled with treasures for you at this time. Pour over chapters and passages, seeking God in it all. He’s there. It’s his living Word.

“For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” (Hebrews 4:12 NIV)

God might want to do some character surgery on you, working in your soul, spirit, thoughts, attitudes and heart. And that takes time. However, when you emerge, you’ll feel brand new. You will have been pressed on by God himself.

When this season comes to a close, I want to be a different person. I want God to have worked permanent change in my heart through his Word. His living Word. I know I have to spend hours in my Bible for that to happen. It’s my choice.

Have you had a mini-retreat with God since the lockdown began? There are a lot of good things you can do with your time, but none better than being with Jesus and in his Word.

Soon, we will emerge on the other side of the Corona crisis. You still have time to invest in your most important relationship before the rushed life resumes. Don’t miss this opportunity.

I’d love to hear what God is showing or teaching you these days? Comment here or email me at

Take time to download my new book so you can maximize your time with God. There are five experiences inside that will help draw you closer to Jesus. Download it at And share the link with your friends.

December 23, 2019 Jfuglerwriter Comments Off on Jesus Their Savior

Jesus Their Savior

With Christmas two days away, pray that those who don’t know Christ will meet him this year.

You and I know many people who we long to come to a saving knowledge of Jesus. Family members, friends, co-workers. You’ve been praying for some of them for years. Yet, their hearts are still cold to Christ.

In Luke 13, Jesus told people to “strive to enter through the narrow door. For many, I tell you, will seek to enter and will not be able.” (Luke 13:24 ESV)

Jewish people in that day were wound up in their traditions. The Scribes and Pharisees amplified that and taught that tradition (rule-following) was the path to heaven. Their legalism was adopted by the common Jew.

Before we scoff at the Scribes and Pharisees, consider that society today isn’t that far off. While the average person doesn’t keep a written laundry list of cleansing behaviors, there’s one thing that most people feel will get them into heaven: good works.

That’s where your unsaved friends live today. They live with the false belief that they are doing enough good things that God will accept them into heaven. It has nothing to do with faith but everything to do with keeping the “law.”

In reality, they are not bound for heaven. Jesus describes their destination: “In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” (Luke 13:28 ESV)

How agonizing. Complete absence of God is a horrifying eternal destiny for your friends who do not know Jesus.

Jesus is their Savior . . . when they accept his gift of eternal life. However, it must be on his terms, not theirs. “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction.” (Matthew 7:13 NIV)

The gate is narrow, but Jesus opens it.

Are you agonizing over the salvation of your lost friends and family? The thought of their eternal destiny in hell should drive you to heart-wrenching prayer. For me, I don’t pray enough like that. However, as I read Luke 13, the Lord moves my heart and soul.

Will you pause right now and pray through that mental list of needy people? Pray that God will soften their hearts. Pray that they will see that doing good does not give them entry into heaven. Pray that they will surrender to Jesus, who has opened the narrow door.

(From my devotional Your Life With God: 30 Days With Jesus, available on Amazon in Kindle and Paperback).

December 16, 2019 Jfuglerwriter Comments Off on Jesus My Savior

Jesus My Savior

With Christmas upon us, let’s place our focus on the One to whom we owe our lives.

It was my junior year in high school. I came to a small church that cold winter night to hear a college football coach speak. His name was Rock Royer. My football coach had encouraged me to attend. I was the kid in the back row. 

I thought he was going to talk about football, but he spoke on how to be “born again,” using John chapter 3 as his backdrop. I had never heard the Gospel before. That night, I walked from the back row to the altar to give my life to Jesus. 

I came home and told my parents that I had been born again, not knowing anything else. 

It took me more than a year to understand what I had actually done that night. 

Or, more importantly, what Jesus had done for me. He had become my Savior that night and I didn’t even know it!

Fast forward a year and a half later. Another believer took me under his wing and discipled me in my faith. That’s when it all came into view.

Jesus my Savior.

Jesus your Savior.

We throw that word around casually. “Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” is a term we hear and use often, to the point that it becomes ho-hum. It has lost its significance.

Without Jesus, you’d be separated from God forever. No connection. No relationship. Spiritual death. Eternity in darkness. In Satan’s kingdom and under his rule. Hell is very real and that would be your destiny.

In the here and now, you’d have no hope for significance beyond this life. You’d be defined by the physical world. You might search for connection with God through all sorts of false alternatives, but you’d never attain a relationship. Your meaning and purpose would come to an end with your last breath. 

That’s what Jesus has saved you from. All of that and more. Quite frankly, he has saved you from eternal destruction. 

Does the word “Savior” carry more significance now?

And how about what it cost Jesus to become your Savior? The enormity of it all. He left his glorious home in heaven to walk this earth for 33 years, endured persecution to the point of death, took all your sins and the sins of humankind on his shoulders, suffered the torture of total separation from God the Father on the cross – and did all of this willingly because he loves you.

Jesus your Savior

May we never again hear or use this word casually. Becoming Savior cost Jesus so much.

(From my 30-day devotional Your Life With God: 30 Days With Jesus. Available on Amazon in Kindle and Paperback).

May 31, 2019 Jfuglerwriter Comments Off on Jesus My Brother

Jesus My Brother

Have you ever thought of Jesus as your brother? 

Lord? Yes. Savior? Yes. But brother? Yes again!

It’s often hard to comprehend that the Lord Jesus Christ is also your brother. How can it be?

Think about James, Jesus’ brother in the flesh. He was perplexed, too. Jesus was his brother but, after the resurrection, he also regarded Jesus as his Lord. He was a devoted early church follower of his own brother.

Jesus makes this statement, “He looked at those seated in a circle around him and said, ‘Here are my mother and my brothers! Whoever does God’s will is my brother and sister and mother.’” (Mark 3:34-35 ESV)

When you were adopted into God’s family through salvation, you immediately became a brother of Jesus. Although you’re considered a brother by adoption, Jesus doesn’t see it that way. He sees you as his full-fledged brother. This spiritual relationship is far more important to Jesus than the physical relationships of family.

Consider this promise: “For he who sanctifies and those who are sanctified all have one source. That is why he is not ashamed to call them brothers.” (Hebrews 2:11 ESV)

Jesus calls you his brother. 

When I think about this, it melts my heart. It doesn’t change the fact that I worship my Lord and Savior. However, there are times that I need a brother to pour my heart out to. I need someone, like my brother Bob, that I can bounce off ideas, share my struggles, ask advice and just spend time with.

Jesus is the best brother you or I can ever have. He’s the perfect brother. Is your mind spinning as you think about this? The Lord of the universe has come down to relate to you as your brother. He lowered himself to assume that role. Because he loves you.

Treasure your relationship with Jesus as your brother. Enjoy it! Enjoy him.

What is it that you value in a relationship with a brother? Make a mental or written note right now. Then, throughout the next few days, speak to Jesus as your brother. He wants to hang out with you. Through thick and thin, Jesus your brother is by your side.

(From my new devotional Your Life With God; 30 Days With Jesus. Available in Kindle and Paperback formats on Amazon).

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