Month: August 2019

August 29, 2019 Jfuglerwriter Comments Off on The Ultimate Encouragement

The Ultimate Encouragement

We can be encouraged by others. We can be encouraged by God’s blessings. And we can be encouraged when circumstances turn our way. All these things lift our spirits.

But I’ve discovered that there’s one form of encouragement that soars way above all the rest. It’s the encouragement of praising God. Try it when you need a shot in the arm in a season of worry, doubt, staleness or pain. When you’re paralyzed with negative emotions, praising God can wipe them out.

Praise turns sorrow into joy, doubt into faith, worry into peace and dryness into life. When we turn our attention to God and give him praise for who he is, our spirit is flooded with the fulness of his Holy Spirit. He changes us. Our eyes go from inward to upward. Our emotions follow as we cast aside the things that have brought us down and place God front and center.

Praising God is easier than you think. It’s not made up of formal, stiff words. Your loving Father wants to hear your personal, heartfelt praise. In your own style. Whether you shout out or speak to God in the quietness of your heart, the simple words “Praise God!” are transformational.

“Praise God for your faithfulness!”

“Praise God for your holiness!”

“Praise God for your power!”

“Praise God for your love!”

“Praise God for your comfort!”

“Lord, you are holy, worthy, infinite, caring, tender, almighty, sovereign, all-knowing, in control, full of goodness!”

When you begin praising God for who he is, watch out! From deep within, your heart will change. The Lord will lift you out of the valley.

There are times, though, when you may not have the strength to lift up praise to God. Life has you so pounded down that you can’t muster the words. It’s OK. That’s when God speaks for you and with you. Go to the Psalms and read words of praise. Like this one…

“Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord, you his servants; praise the name of the Lord. Let the name of the Lord be praised, both now and forevermore. From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the Lord is to be praised. The Lord is exalted over all the nations, his glory above the heavens. Who is like the Lord our God, the One who sits enthroned on high, who stoops down to look on the heavens and the earth?” (Psalm 113:1-6 NIV)

It’s a great starting place. You can find so many more rich passages on praise with a simple Google search or in your Bible’s concordance.

Lift up your words of praise to God and experience his life-giving encouragement.  

(From my new devotional, Your Life With God: 30 Days of Encouragement. Available from Amazon in Kindle and paperback editions.)

August 22, 2019 Jfuglerwriter Comments Off on The Encouragement of God’s Love

The Encouragement of God’s Love

This is amazing! He created everything out of nothing. He threw the universe into existence. He caused the sun to rise and set and has done it every day since he set the earth into motion. He created man and every living thing.

And he loves you.

The God of the universe, the Lord and creator of all, loves you. If that isn’t downright shocking, I don’t know what is.

Sometimes I pinch myself to realize this truth. I can wander through my day without ever thinking about his everlasting, sacrificial, deep, unchanging love for me. When I do stop and ponder it, my heart announces, “This is fabulous!”

He loves us so much that, when you and I accepted his gift of salvation, he adopted us into his family. Really? Why you? Why me? Certainly not because we deserved to be adopted, but because he chose us. He chose to shower his love on us as a Father.

Years ago, there I was, ignoring God and living for myself. Out of the blue, he decided to adopt me. He did the same for you.

Be encouraged by these loving benefits as God’s adopted child:

Eternal life. You get to live with him forever. This adoption is permanent.

Acceptance. You don’t have to earn his love, just like your kids don’t have to earn yours.

Forgiveness. Good-bye guilt. Hello peace of mind. When you accepted God’s gift of his Son and confessed your sins, you were forgiven. Forever.

Family. You’re part of the biggest family ever. Every other person who has been adopted by God is your brother and sister. You share some pretty high privileges.

Wise, loving direction. God offers his wisdom to you whenever you need it.

Known. Every hair on your head is numbered by God. He sees you as an individual and knows your every desire and thought.

Care. Like a shepherd cares for his sheep, you’re cared for by God, day and night.

Blessings. Your blessings as a family member are too many to list here. But try these for starters:  peace, hope, inheritance and the Holy Spirit inside you.

Faithfulness. One thing you always can count on is God’s faithfulness. Here’s just one example: “But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one.” (2 Thessalonians 3:3 NIV)

God isn’t a force far away. He is personal. He is a loving Daddy who is near to you. Take a few minutes and reflect on your encouraging privileges as an adopted child of the Heavenly Father.

(From my new devotional, Your Life With God: 30 Days of Encouragement. Available from Amazon in Kindle and paperback editions.)

August 15, 2019 Jfuglerwriter Comments Off on Encouragement and Our Conqueror

Encouragement and Our Conqueror

Several people around me are either facing severe health issues or have died recently. Even when we know the person is a believer in Jesus Christ and has a destination in heaven, there is sorrow. We hate to see loved ones go through pain. We miss them when they pass.

The world’s view of death, which is centered on loss, can dominate our thinking. “Her time was too soon,” or “He was taken from us too early” are common statements. No doubt, we feel that way when we lose a young person, a child, or someone who has been in our lives for a short time. There’s no denying our feelings.

However, we can be encouraged when we consider what Jesus has to say about death for the believer: “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die.” (John 11:23 NIV) That’s a powerful, clear statement. Yes, we die on earth but live eternally in heaven.

And let’s not grow weary of the Bible’s most popular verse, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16 ESV)

Jesus is our path to eternal life. To prove his statement claiming to be the resurrection and the life, Jesus rose from the dead. He walked this earth after the resurrection, seen by thousands.

Paul drove home the resurrection truth to remind the early church, just as we need to be reminded. “But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. For since death came through a man, the resurrection of the dead comes also through a man.” (1 Corinthians 1:21-22 NIV)

Jesus has conquered death and he is taking us with him!

It’s alright to miss someone who has passed into eternity with Jesus. You were created to love God and other people, so loss is hard. But, if they know Jesus, you’ll be reunited with them on the other side.

But our hearts should grieve for the person who dies without Christ. That’s tragic.

Let’s be faithful prayer warriors for family members and friends who don’t know Jesus. We should be driven to our knees knowing that, right now, eternal life is not theirs.

My friend, if you know Jesus as your personal Savior, do not fear death. Rejoice that he has conquered death and you’ll find your eternal home with him. That’s your destination. Don’t be distracted by temporal satisfactions that convince you that this world is the best thing you have.

Jesus is your conqueror.  

Reflect on that powerful truth and let it be your encouragement today.

(From my new devotional Your Life With God: 30 Days of Encouragement. Get it on Amazon in Kindle and paperback editions.)

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