
November 6, 2018 Jfuglerwriter Comments Off on Faith and the 5,000

Faith and the 5,000

The feeding of the 5,000 is one of the most famous miracles in the New Testament. If you were there to witness it, wouldn’t your faith be solid and thriving for the rest of your life?

The disciples were there with front row seats, yet their faith waned in the future. But that’s another story.

Today, let’s look at this miraculous event as if you were there yourself. Among other things, Jesus used this to teach his disciples about faith . . . in him.

Here’s how the lesson progressed, as told in Luke 9 (NIV):

Stating the problem. The disciples saw the crowd and were helpless to feed the 5,000.
“Send the crowd away to go into the surrounding villages and countryside to find lodging and get provision, for we are here in a desolate place,” they said.

Solving the problem. Jesus responded, “You give them something to eat.” I can imagine dead silence for a few moments as the disciples looked at each other, confused and bewildered. “In all due respect, sir . . .” would be today’s translation. They actually restated the problem and offered a solution, “Unless we are to go and buy food for all these people.” In reality, they knew that was financially impossible.

Jesus comes alongside. We serve a loving God who doesn’t leave us on our own and say, “Get it done!” He joins us in our faith struggles. Jesus took the lead and gave this simple instruction, “Have them sit down in groups of about fifty each.” It wasn’t a mind-blowing, life-altering request. It simply showed the disciples that he was in there with them and that he had a plan. They needed that reassurance, so they followed his direction and organized this massive crowd.

Jesus performs a miracle. We know the rest of the story. The catering truck showed up out of nowhere and everyone was fed. Actually, we don’t know how Jesus did it. What we are told is that “they all ate and were satisfied.” Somehow, the supply of five fish and two loaves of bread never diminished. Show me that trick, David Copperfield!

Can you imagine the buzz in the crowd? Or the offline conversations the disciples had as they served the food?  “John, can you believe this is happening? I wonder what’s going on in Peter’s quadrant?”

Jesus wants to join you in your faith struggles. He loves to immerse himself in your problems.  He doesn’t want to be a spectator on the outside and leave you on your own.

Your prayer may sound something like this:

“Jesus, I have a problem. And I’ve been facing it on my own. Today, I want to let you in. I call on you to work your will and your miraculous power. I know you fed the 5,000 and I don’t know how you did it. Thank you for joining me in my challenge today. I trust in You.”

(From my upcoming devotional, Your Life With God: 30 Days of Faith. Releases January 1).

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