Author: Jfuglerwriter

August 28, 2018 Jfuglerwriter Comments Off on Joy and Rest

Joy and Rest

The alarm goes off in the morning and the race is on.  You crawl out of bed at a turtle’s pace and make it to the shower.  As you run the upcoming day through your mind, your senses come alive. In fact, it becomes intense as you think about it.

Kids to school, Jamie to the dentist appointment, report due today for my boss, meeting where I’m presenting, two after-school practices for soccer in two different places, get dinner done tonight in time for Bobby’s lessons… just pick up burgers…

It’s no wonder that joy has escaped the average Christian.  There’s no room for it in the schedule.

But the problem is deeper than that. You don’t rest.  You’re chasing life, whether it be a full schedule with kids or activities of your own.

The truth is that anxiety, fear, rushing and striving take the place of joy.

Instead of kicking yourself and being disappointed in your lifestyle, here’s a suggestion.


Yes. Rest.

“But I don’t have time!” you say. “You just described my life to a “t”.

Not a good excuse.  Jesus had one of the most demanding schedules I can think of and he found time to rest.  Even in crisis.

“On that day, when evening had come, he said to them, ‘Let us go across to the other side.’ And leaving the crowd, they took him with them in the boat, just as he was. And other boats were with him. And a great windstorm arose, and the waves were breaking into the boat, so that the boat was already filling. But he was in the stern, asleep on the cushion. And they woke him and said to him, ‘Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?’”  (Mark 4:35-38 ESV)

Can you rest when the constant winds and waves of life smack you around?

I think it’s time to change your schedule so there’s room for rest.  You’’ have margin in your life to recuperate, refresh and rejuvenate.  You must find the time.

Start today and carve out 20 minutes to rest.  It may come at lunch, where you simply go to your car and sit there, emptying your heart to the Lord.  Or even taking a nap.

Jesus invites you.  “”Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28 ESV)

Give yourself permission to rest today.  And tomorrow.  And the next day.

We are finite creatures and we need the replenishing practice of rest. Without feeling guilty for enjoying it.

If you practice rest on a daily basis, I know that the joy of the Christian life will seep back into your life.

(Experience more joy when you read my devotional Your Life With God: 30 Days of Joy).

August 21, 2018 Jfuglerwriter Comments Off on Joy and Laughter

Joy and Laughter

They say that laughter has a healing effect on the body.  In fact, the Bible tells us, “A cheerful heart is good medicine…” –Proverbs 17:22 NIV. Laughter may even release some happy hormones.

In any case, laughter is indeed good for the soul.

When was the last time you had a real hearty laugh?  What brought it on?  The thought of that memory makes you smile, I’m sure.

I think we all need to set everything aside and laugh.  Not just a snicker.  But the kind of laugh you just remembered.  One that’s out of control.  Even embarrassing.

Why is it that Christ-followers are often the least happy people in the bunch? We have the living God inside of us.  That alone should bring us great joy.  And joyful laughter.

Speaker and comedian Ken Davis has a radio feature called “Lighten Up.”  No matter what the topic that day, he would always end the show with, “Lighten up… and live!”  You see, Ken has a joyful perspective on life, even when telling tough stories.

So how do we manage to laugh when we’re faced with the realities of life that aren’t funny at all?

Work challenges don’t make you laugh.  Family conflicts aren’t funny.  Health problems are painful.  The thought of the destiny of the unsaved isn’t laughable.

Yet, because these very things surround us, we need to find time to laugh.

In fact, you may need a good laugh right now.  You might be in a funk and laughter is the prescribed medicine.

Can I give you permission to laugh today?  Will you give yourself permission to laugh?

I guarantee that a good laugh will chase away the spirit of bitterness, sadness or anger that you might feeling right now.  Laughter and bitterness can’t co-exist.  Laughter pushes sadness away. Laughter beats anger every time.

What is it that will bring laughter into your life?

For me, it’s crazy comedy.  Most anything with Kevin James will make me laugh on the spot.  King of Queens reruns, Mall Cop, Kevin Can Wait (sadly cancelled).

Not real spiritual, is it?  That’s ok.  Yours doesn’t have to be either, as long as it doesn’t dishonor God.

Laughter is a joy trigger.  It takes your mind off the things that rob your joy and opens the door to consider those things that bring you joy.

“Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is… think on these things.”

In Ken’s words, “Lighten up and live!”

Consider today…

  • What makes you laugh? I mean really laugh?  Whatever it takes, spend some time diving into one or more of those things as soon as you can today.
  • Do you take yourself too seriously? Become a person who laughs… regularly.
  • On the other hand, you might already be a laughing fool. How can you make someone else laugh today? Be one who releases the joy trigger in their life.

(Experience more joy when you read my devotional Your Life With God: 30 Days of Joy).

August 14, 2018 Jfuglerwriter Comments Off on Full Joy

Full Joy

“As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Abide in my love. If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commandments and abide in his love. These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full.”  –John 15:9-11 ESV

I can’t think of any greater, purer, more complete joy we can experience than the joy of Jesus himself.  He describes this joy as “full.”

Don’t you want that?  Of course you do.

Why in the world would we try “joy substitutes” when the real thing is already planted inside us if we know Jesus?

My joy substitutes range anywhere from money to a Dodger victory. I’ve got several others, too, if I really take inventory.

How about you? Where does your joy come from?

The correct answer is “Jesus,” but don’t give answer unless it’s true for you.

Joy in Jesus is something that ebbs and flows in the life of every believer.  We let joy “substitutes” crowd out our Savior.  That’s why we go from one to another.  These substitutes never last. They don’t satisfy for long.

“…that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full.”

When I hear Jesus saying that to me, I picture joy as a seed waiting to grow.  Jesus’ joy is inside, but it only grows when nourished.

What makes it grow?   Abiding in Jesus’ love, evidenced by our obedience.

For the past year, I begin almost every day by camping one certain verse.  It’s familiar to you, I’m sure: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.” –Deuteronomy 6:5 NIV.

I remind myself that if I love God, that’s the most important thing I can do.  I should find myself  evaluating everything I do in light of whether I’m loving God by doing it.

Loving God takes effort.  All my heart, soul and strength!

This love relationship with God isn’t just me loving him.  Jesus died on the cross out of a deep, deep love for me.  God have his only son because he loved the world so much.

The nourishment for joy to grow in our lives is Jesus’ love for us.  This kind of love is rich soil, water and sunlight all rolled into one.  Just as a seed and plant draw on these elements to grow, we need to draw on Christ’s love for joy to grow.

“…that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full.”

Isn’t that wonderful?  We show our love for Christ through our obedience while Christ offers his love to us.  His love produces joy in our lives.

Take a look at that growing thing inside you called “joy.”  What is it today? A seed?  A seedling?  A young plant? A thriving tree?

The secret to full joy is abiding in the love of God.

In the quietness of this moment, think about God’s love for you. Here’s a verse to get you started:

“But you, Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness.”  –Psalm 86:15 NIV

I can’t think of anything more joyful than experiencing the love of God.  I’m ecstatic about it when I really consider it.

(Experience more joy when you read my devotional Your Life With God: 30 Days of Joy).

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