

February 18, 2020 Jfuglerwriter Comments Off on Courage and Forgiveness

Courage and Forgiveness

Looking at the final hours of Jesus’ life, I can’t imagine going through what he did. The beatings, humiliation, torture and, of course, those agonizing hours on the cross. It’s sickening to think about.

Jesus was the most courageous man I know. He wasn’t forced to go to the cross. He went willingly. He was God and could have vanished from sight. But he was on a mission to save the world.

Jesus went to the cross to forgive. He extended forgiveness to you, me and all of mankind. We didn’t deserve this priceless treasure.

His gift was made real when he sacrificed his life for us. Without the cross, there would be no forgiveness.

“Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” (Luke 23:34 NIV)

Jesus said that about his torturers, but he also said that about us who wrong him every day. What a courageous man offering forgiveness to that magnitude.

Do you need to forgive someone? Are you finding it hard to get over a sinful act someone committed against you? Have you turned your back on forgiveness? On that other person?

If so, you’re human. It’s the natural thing to do. However, it’s not what God wants you to do. Just like Jesus, you have a choice to forgive.

You’re not being asked to go to the cross, but it might feel that way. Your pain of being wronged seems too much to bear. You can’t bring yourself to forgive that person.

What gave Jesus the courage to go to the cross? What empowered him to face the pain? How in the world could he extend eternal forgiveness to mankind? To this humanity that has wronged him since the Garden?


Jesus loves you. He loved you on the cross when he saw you way back then. He saw everyone throughout history. He witnessed all our sin, which pained him to the core. Yet, despite the horror of the cross, Jesus went there to deal with our sin, to heal our relationship with him. And with his Father.

Love gave Jesus the courage to face the cross, where he poured out his blood. Even more, he poured out his forgiveness.

Love will give you the courage to forgive. Love that person as Jesus did. He went to the cross for them and for the very act you’re forgiving.

Oh, how you’ll need the power and grace of God to forgive. That’s why it comes back to your love relationship with Jesus. Approach your Savior. Thank him for his forgiveness. Ask for his power to love the other person. That’s your only hope.

Forgiveness will follow.

(From my new Devotional, Your Life With God: 30 Days of Courage. Available on Amazon in Kindle and Paperback).

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